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An Introduction

My name is Squirrel – Welcome to my Blog.
I’m here to share with you how I make upwards of £100 a month with the minimal amount of time and effort.
In the pages of this blog you’ll find all the sites and apps I use regularly. Along side reviews and top tips, where to pick up some freebies (including cash) and information on sites that I would avoid.
Keep checking back for more site reviews, money making App recommendations, and how to guides on making the most out of your online earning potential.
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It’s All a Scam!

If you’ve ever come across any of these sites in the past you might be wondering – Is it all a scam?
I’ve scoffed at people like this in the past but whilst doing my research to put this blog together I quickly came to understand why soo many people have this attitude.
There are a lot of scams out there.
And if you are not careful, you can very easily fall for one.
From what I’ve seen, there are a few telltale signs that things might not be “legit” with that site you’re thinking about signing up for…
  • Anything that promises you £XXX a day!
I know a lot of people who make £100-£200 a month through online earning sites (including myself!). I’ve never heard of anyone making that in a day and would be highly skeptical of anyone claiming to show you how to do that.
  • Money up front.
No legitimate website will ever ask you for money up front. Never, ever hand over any money or your card//bank details for “training fees” or “signup fees”.
  • Website
That, despite having a really good, flashy looking website – there’s very little actual content on there. Before signing up to something you should always have a look around. Is the website well designed? do all the links work? Is their contact us section up and running? Do they have t&c’s?
  • Reviews
Site reviews submitted by real people are always a great way to check if a site is real. These can be faked though, so check always check credible websites (like Moneysavingexpert) or check out my reviews of the websites I use 🙂
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Making Money – Where to Start?

So, you’re all eager to get started but there are a few things you need to do before you sign up to your first site and start making money each month.
  • Set up an alternative email address.
Spam and random bunff comes with the territory when signing up to sites like this. No matter how many boxes you untick/tick some “promotional” material will make its way into your inbox and you don’t want to miss any important emails in your personal email account. So set yourself up with at least one alternative email address just for use on these sites. That way it keeps everything separate.
  • Get a new phone number
Providers like FreedomPop will give you a sim and phone number for as little as 99p initial sign up. Use this number when offers ask for your phone number, it’ll save all those nuisance phone numbers. You can sign up to FreedomPop via Swagbucks or Mintvine and earn points as well.
  • Set a Time Limit
Survey sites and apps are only worth while if you aren’t spending all day long sitting in front of your computer clicking on links or answering questions. Set yourself a time limit for earning.
  • One at a Time
Don’t try and do too much. Unless its an app or site that only requires minimal amount of “babysitting”, signup to one site at a time and get used to it before signing up to another.
  • Spare phone
Do you have a spare phone or tablet laying about? Many Apps (and websites) can run off WiFi alone. If you have one you can use it and keep your own phone free for personal use.Now that that’s all sorted its time to start making money! Check out my introduction pages for the Websites and Apps that I use, and a few that I don’t!
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June Earnings

I know we are only a few days off July, but here is a tally of all the earnings I made in June.
Heart Bingo£10.00
Monopoly Casino-
Panel App-
Prolific Academic£93.50
Virgin Games£15.32
Total = £232.64!
I did really well this month. Better than I thought I did 🙂
That makes a grand total of £516.66 earned so far this year.
£120 is sitting in my Amazon account and £169.82 is in a savings account.  £226.84 has been spent, mainly spent on a holiday earlier this year, and a few pounds here and there on gifts.
Next months target is £150, with an overall target of £1000 by 1st December.
How did you do? Have you tried some of my recommended Websites? Or Apps?